Essay writing examples
Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Affluenza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Affluenza - Essay Example This strong blend of riches and influence should be offset responsibility and duty regarding the overall population. Yet, passing by the proof introduced by the writers of this book, the results so far have been hurtful for the individuals everywhere and the earth wherein they live. The destitute individuals are particularly severely hit by this wonder (de Graaf et. al, p.112). While the rich are getting more extravagant than at any other time, the genuine earnings of the poor in America have deteriorated or declined. Along these lines the poor are impeded twice, as the consumerist society continues advancing ‘affluenza’. In this specific situation, one can comprehend the significance of digging further into this point and study its job in advancing a backward consumerist culture. The accompanying sections will refer to relating contentions from the book on the side of the proposal, which is that the poor are rebuffed twice because of Affluenza. A significant show manifestation of Aflluenza, the creators call attention to, is simply the general decrease in sense worth among Americans. A culture that interminably advances realism and collection of riches with scarcely any notice of different parts of sound living, for example, agreeable family life, support in common exercises, and so on is essentially off-base. What analysts allude to as low confidence is on the other hand called as ‘status anxiety’ by social reporters. These are particularly progressively apparent in poor peoples’ originations of themselves, as they experience the ill effects of ‘Affluenza’ - â€Å"the enlarged, drowsy and unfulfilled inclination that outcomes from endeavors to stay aware of the Joneses†(de Graaf et. al, p.172). As it were, it is the flu like affliction that influences residents when they walk carelessly in quest for abundance. As the creators relevantly state, â€Å"theres a drawback to this fixation, and in our
Athens of the north Free Essays
string(78) improvements stomach muscle initio went in front in the nations South of the old town. â€Å" Auld Reekie †and â€Å" Athens of the North †: delineate how the architects of Edinburgh from the mid eighteenth century to the mid nineteenth endeavored to relate ( truly and outwardly ) the Old Town and the New Town. The monikers â€Å" Auld Reekie †and â€Å" Athens of the North †are images of two extremely various occasions during Edinburgh ‘s Past and of two each piece differentiating nations in its cityscape. Prior to the eighteenth century, Edinburgh comprised of the nation presently known as the old town. We will compose a custom article test on Athens of the north or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now This involved a moronically populated state riding the tail of the antediluvian volcanic plug that is palace stone. Conditionss in this nation were packed and much of the time nauseating. This was the outcome of 100s of mature ages of nonsensical judgments and complete lack of town arranging and sanitation. â€Å" Auld †interprets straight as â€Å" Old †and â€Å" Reekie †alludes to the smoky condition brought about by the high convergence of smokestacks, yet alongside suggestions at the rankness. As such, I feel that the moniker â€Å" Auld Reekie †suggests everything that the old town spoke to during this clasp. In a similar way I feel that â€Å" Athens of the North †speaks to the expectation and desires of the Scots illumination showed in the New Town. In my paper I will represent how and why Edinburgh created from â€Å" Auld Reekie †to the â€Å" Athens of the North †and talk how the planners during this period endeavored to interface both outwardly and genuinely the Old and New Town. The â€Å" Scots Enlightenment †alludes to a very persuasive time of Scots History during the eighteenth century. It was a clasp when Scotland exceeded expectations as a state explicitly in the field of academe and logical control. This included principle, monetary sciences, innovation, engineering, clinical strength, geography, prehistoric studies, law, agribusiness, synthetic science, and humanism. Potentially the best indicant of the immensity of the accomplishment at the clasp was the proficiency degrees. By 1750, Scots were among the most educated residents of Europe, with an expected 75 % level of proficiency. Despite the fact that the specific ground for this solid levelheaded designed development is non entirely clear, it is extremely much connected with an intently sew gathering of Scots employees and endorsers. This included Francis Hutcheson, Alexander Campbell, David Hume, Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, Robert Burns, Adam Ferguson, Robert Adam, John Playfair, Joseph Bla ck and James Hutton. A large number of them were situated in Edinburgh at the University and met and talked about their contemplations all the time in a cultural setting. It is this coaction, dissimilar to their European coevalss that is supposed to be the cardinal their prosperity. As an image of this achievement Edinburgh was stomach muscle initio alluded to as the â€Å" Athens of the North †in notice to the scholarly accomplishment rather than compositional highlights of Athens. During the primary portion of the eighteenth century, obviously Edinburgh had become no lucifer to its reciprocals South of the limit line. To a large number of its residents, unconventionally to its blue bloods and concern individuals it had become a humiliation to Scotland, especially in position of the illumination. As Robert Chambers portrays it, it had become: â€Å" a restricted, foul, common town †or then again in John Taylor ‘s words â€Å" makes this state so much despis ‘d by the English †There were numerous occupations with the town yet potentially the most dire issue was that of sewerage removal. Due a lack sanitation, the tenants of the old town had got familiar with the medieval arrangement of hurling there squander out of the Windowss and into the troughs and side roads. Up until this point, it had been a similarly agreeable arrangement as apartment squares were limited in stature and the wet clime of Scotland simply washed away the sewerage down the lofty slopes. As the structures got higher because of a higher populace thickness, the issue became loft as waste started hitting the dividers of next buildings and most notoriously more regrettable, set bringing down on walkers. This was non a vocation in delineations of English metropoliss at the clasp so it is non difficult to perceive any reason why a few Scots would hold been embarrassed about their state ‘s capital. Regardless of this, blending to Charles McKean, it is a typical misinterpretation that the inhabitants of Edinburgh during this clasp were hopeless for the improvement of another town. In his change Twining metropoliss: modernization versus advancement in the town of Edinburgh he contends that the assurance to build the new town originated from a more intricate political docket rather than a typical sentiment of disappointment towards the old town. It appears that there were two discernable opinions, one was to better the old town, and the other was to build another one. McKean stresses that our cognizance of the status of the old town originates from content composed by the individuals who were for the structure of the new town and there for could be mistaken. In spite of this, the cardinal point is that Edinburgh was sought after for modification. Some portion of Edinburgh ‘s demise can be credited to pretermit by the experts in England going back to the development of the fraternity in 1603. It appears that as the influence moved from Edinburgh to London, so did a significant part of the riches and as a result the monetary arrangement of Edinburgh endured incredibly during this clasp. By the mid eighteenth century the situation was terrible to the point that the chamber spoke to the King George to rescue Edinburgh from its lessening. Subsequent to having no reaction the committee endeavored to make a move towards the disintegration of the Union, all things considered they were ineffective as they needed financial help. Regardless of this, Edinburgh at last picked up from the Union. During Georgian occasions numerous projects went in front to better the old town. These incorporated the tidying up of the old town and the redevelopment of a significant number of its structures. Because of Edinburgh ‘s alone geology, advancement of the old town was truly limited, especially toward the North. As a result, new advancements abdominal muscle initio went in front in the nations South of the old town. You read Athens of the north in classification Exposition models This comprised mainly of the neo-old style improvement of Bearfords Park comprising what is currently George square and the Design of the New College by Robert Adam. The closing thought process in the advancement of the new town toward the North came when Edinburgh was constrained into thwarting its tip top from traveling to London. As Charles McKean puts it â€Å" Since Edinburgh expected to hold ‘people of rank and of a specific karma ‘ , it required a blue suburb completely for them †The First and most evident physical nexus between the Old Town and New Town accompanied the structure of the north range somewhere in the range of 1769 and 1772. This was developed after the assurance had been made to build the new town toward the North. Building a range over the Nor Loch vale had been on the cards for longer than a century however it was non until the committee gotten specialists support for the improvement of the new town that plans went in front. The range crossed the vale of the Nor Loch and for the primary clasp, permitted dish to the old town from the North. Similarly great as facilitating the structure of the new town by providing a basic nexus, it other than made a more straightforward way to the port of Leith which improved exchanging the old town. The first range was developed from rock and included three essential curves. Simply after its finishing the range fallen because of basic needs slaughtering 5 individuals. The activity was brought about by mature ages of soil develop from old town diggings which made huge slopes of â€Å" voyaged Earth †along the dike of the old town bluff. The applied researchers had disparaged the profundity of this free earth which at last prompted the fiasco. By 1772 it was recreated with progressively noteworthy establishments. In partnership with the north range is the south range. This was finished consequently in 1788 and traversed the each piece begging to be proven wrong discouragement of the Cowgate toward the South. Worked from rock and comprising of 22 curves, the range was built predominantly so as to connect the high road with the college however adjacent to let for course to the spread trip improvements toward the South. Combined with the north range, this incredibly underestimated viaduct connected the new town reasonably to the instructive chest of the old town. In spite of the fact that there were numerous others included, the structure for the new town is credited to the juvenile architect James Craig. In the same way as other of the individuals associated with the build for another town and in obvious soul of the edification, Craig was a solid truster in the fellowship. This unionist docket was reflected actually truly in his underlying proposition which in program framed a fellowship doodly-squat. This vision was thusly dropped because of a blend of it non being conceivable to fabricate ( on account of the edges which it made ) and a general sentiment of open disapproval towards its imagery. Ensuing adjustments were made to the program and in 1767 the program that we realize today was concluded. From above, Craig made arranged visual connections with the old town. The first and generally significant of these is the partnership of the new town. The program includes three boss lanes ; Queens St, George St and Princess St. These were adjust ed corresponding to the illustrious detail mi and in making so made an undeniable relation between the old and new town. The boulevards are other than about a detail mi long and incorporate a square at eith
Friday, August 21, 2020
Coping With Nonmarital Breakups Chapter Outline Coursework
Adapting To Nonmarital Breakups Chapter Outline - Coursework Example This implies examining nonmarital separations is affirming whether there ever was a nonmarital relationship - a two sided one in any case! C. The estimation of records The individual's oral or composed accounts clarifying their encounters or activities depicting characters and occasions and gathering the importance and thought processes over the span of retelling and surveying the romantic tales. V. Individual valid justifications to consider separations Thinking about connections can improve your particular encounters. For example, separations do have exercises and impact future desires and plans to decide to act diversely next time. VI. The separation procedure This affirms the different advances and procedure that individuals experience when connections lead to separations. A. Closeness: A money saving advantage investigation Social animals are confronted with two dangers, dismissal and disloyalty, while seeking after closeness. Dismissal can happen when the expectation for relationship never creates, cut off, or bombs when different communicates disappointment. Double-crossing is deceptive, a danger that rises just if closeness succeeds-for a period. The other, having the benefit of uncommon data, having picked up our trust, pivots and turns on us, uncovering our vulnerabilities, abusing us, prodding us. Why at that point do we eagerly hand that extremely unsafe obscure our telephone number Why do we need to take heart breaker once again 1. The need to have a place As social animal, we need one another, our quality, and the chance of closeness. Connections give one of a kind advantages on people. B. Stages and phases of separation: Weiss' investigation of conjugal partition 1. Fanatical audit This includes mental quest for clarifications, headed to certain degrees, Assuming just and second thoughts. For the leaver and the leave, the end... Social animals are confronted with two dangers, dismissal and disloyalty, while seeking after closeness. Dismissal can happen when the desire for relationship never creates, cut off, or bombs when different communicates disappointment. Treachery is deceptive, a danger that rises just if closeness succeeds-for a period. The other, having the upside of exceptional data, having picked up our trust, pivots and turns on us, uncovering our vulnerabilities, sassing us, prodding us. Why at that point do we enthusiastically hand that exceptionally unsafe obscure our telephone number Why do we need to take heart breaker once again This includes mental quest for clarifications, headed to certain degrees, Assuming just and second thoughts. For the leaver and the leave, the finish of a relationship is horrendous and triggers a self defensive audit of reasons and signs which could forestall future misfortunes. There are two kinds of depression, enthusiastic dejection and social forlornness. The enthusiastic forlornness alludes to the seclusion, concentrated on missing one's cozy accomplice and losing the remarkable solaces of that relationship. Social forlornness is confusion and banning one feels when one has lost one's place and conjugal status. Toward the back
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Macon Macon ma ´k?n, ma ´kon [key], city (1990 pop. 106,612), seat of Bibb co., central Ga., at the head of navigation on the Ocmulgee River; inc. 1823. It is the industrial, processing, and shipping center for a farm area that produces cotton, peanuts, soybeans, poultry, and dairy products. Chemicals and wood and metal products are among its manufactures. Fort Hawkins was established on the east side of the river in 1806 and renamed Newtown in 1821. Macon (for Nathaniel Macon) was laid out on the west side in 1823; Newtown was annexed in 1829. Wesleyan College and Mercer Univ. are there. Also in Macon are the birthplace of Sidney Lanier , several antebellum mansions, a restored grand-opera house (1884), restored Fort Hawkins (1806), a museum of arts and sciences, and a planetarium. Nearby are Robins Air Force Base and Ocmulgee National Monument. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia artic les on: U.S. Political Geography
Saturday, June 27, 2020
What Is The Importance Of Ratio Analysis Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Ratio analysis isnt just comparing different numbers from the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. Its comparing the number against previous years, other companies, the industry, or even the economy in general. Ratios look at the relationships between individual values and relate them to how a company has performed in the past, and might perform in the future. Financial ratio analysis is the calculation and comparison of ratios which are derived from the information in a companys financial statements. The level and historical trends of these ratios can be used to make inferences about a companys financial condition, its operations and attractiveness as an investment. Financial ratios are calculated from one or more pieces of information from a companys financial statements. For example, the gross margin is the gross profit from operations divided by the total sales or revenues of a company, expressed in percentage terms. In isolation, a financial ratio is a useless piece of information. In context, however, a financial ratio can give a financial analyst an excellent picture of a companys situation and the trends that are developing. A ratio gains utility by comparison to other data and standards. Taking our example, a gross profit margin for a company of 25% is meaningless by itself. If we know that this companys competitors have profit margins of 10%, we know that it is more profitable than its industry peers which is quite favourable. If we also know that the historical trend is upwards, for example has been increasing steadily for the last few years, this would also be a favourable sign that management is implementing effective business policies and strategies. Financial ratio analysis groups the ratios into categories which tell us about different facets of a companys finances and operations. An overview of some of the categories of ratios is given below. Leverage Ratios which show the extent that debt is used in a companys capital structure. Liquidity Ratios which give a picture of a companys short term financial situation or solvency. Operational Ratios which use turnover measures to show how efficient a company is in its operations and use of assets. Profitability Ratios which use margin analysis and show the return on sales and capital employed. Solvency Ratios which give a picture of a companys ability to generate cashflow and pay it financial obligations. It is imperative to note the importance of the proper context for ratio analysis. Like computer programming, financial ratio is governed by the GIGO law of Garbage InGarbage Out! A cross industry comparison of the leverage of stable utility companies and cyclical mining companies would be worse than useless. Examining a cyclical companys profitability ratios over less than a full commodity or business cycle would fail to give an accurate long-term measure of profitability. Using historical data independent of fundamental changes in a companys situation or prospects would predict very little about future trends. For example, the historical ratios of a company that has undergone a merger or had a substantive change in its technology or market position would tell very little about the prospects for this company. Credit analysts, those interpreting the financial ratios from the prospects of a lender, focu s on the downside risk since they gain none of the upside from an improvement in operations. They pay great attention to liquidity and leverage ratios to ascertain a companys financial risk. Equity analysts look more to the operational and profitability ratios, to determine the future profits that will accrue to the shareholder. Although financial ratio analysis is well-developed and the actual ratios are well-known, practicing financial analysts often develop their own measures for particular industries and even individual companies. Analysts will often differ drastically in their conclusions from the same ratio analysis. As in all things financial, beauty is often in the eye of the beholder. It pays to do your own work! Value Managers Value managers try to find companies trading at less than their intrinsic value, the price the underlying company is worth. In other words, they try to by the stock as cheaply as possible. In buying stocks as cheaply as possible, they hope to outperform in the long term, as their undervalued stocks return to higher valuation levels. They also believe that when they make mistakes, they have a more limited downside, since they paid a cheap price for the stock to start with. Value managers use financial analysis to calculate yardsticks of a stocks worth. A classic value manager would focus on: a low P/E ratio or price-to-earnings ratio (market price divided by earnings) which indicates that the stock is cheaply valued compared to earnings; a low price-to-book ratio (market price divided by accounting book value) which indicates that the stock is cheap compared to its historical accounting value; and a high dividend yield (dividend divided by market price) which shows that the stock pays a high cash yield on its price. Growth managers invest in the stocks of companies with rapidly growing sales and earnings. They believe that the stock price of this type of company will increase quickly as well, reflecting the strong growth of these companies. They do not focus on the valuation of these companies, preferring to examine their industries, management and growth potential. In aggregate, they think that the strong growth of these stocks will outweigh their valuations over a longer period of time. Obviously, growth managers focus on industries with strong growth such as technology and computer companies. The recent growth of the Internet has made Internet companies such as Yahoo! and Netscape favourites of growth investors Core managers or closet indexers focus on security selection, but try to maintain the same weightings as the index that they are compared to. They use the same valuation techniques as value and growth managers, but they dont want to make the ir portfolios appreciably different from the index or other managers. There are a couple of reasons for this. The most important is relative performance. Relative performance means how a manager looks versus the market index they are compared to. Managers generally try to beat the index they are being compared to. If the managers portfolio is very different from the index, the manager will perform quite differently. If the managers performance is good, then there is little problem. When the manager under performs, the clients are not very happy or patient. So managers keep their portfolios similar to the index or other managers, expecting to be not to different from the index or other managers. The other reason is that clients, sales representatives and consultants want their managers performance to be similar to the index or other managers. Client often dont want the best performance, but conservative management, meaning performance fairly similar to published performance sta tistics. Financial sales representatives want their clients to be happy and explaining wide performance differentials between client performance and published market and performance statistics takes a lot of time. Consultants want the managers performance to be similar to the index they are being measured against because they have done asset planning studies which are based on the performance of that index. This means that there is a large group, perhaps the majority of managers, who try to construct portfolios that will perform similarly to indexes and other managers. These core or closet index managers will pick the best stocks from an industry grouping. For example, if there are twenty-five stocks in an industry group that is 20% of the market index, the manager might select the best four at a 5% weight. Since most stocks in an industry tend to track each other in performance, the manager will have much the same performance in this portion of her portfolio as the index. By imp lementing this strategy for the significant industry groups in an index, the manager will obtain very similar performance to the index. Hopefully, by using financial analysis and valuation techniques to choose the best stocks from the index groups, the manager will outperform the index by a reasonable margin.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Cyber Bullying And Its Effects On Its Victims - 1651 Words
Society is constantly revolutionizing through technological advances that are creating, changing and shifting the individuals who live in it, especially cyber bullying. With the rise in the use of technology, digital culture and anonymity, cyber bullying has become a prominent issue that can have negative psychological effects on its victims through the power of these technological advances. This new 21st century term is derived from standard physical bullying has become a prominent and revolving issue as cellphone, texting and social media sites take away one’s privacy by causing harmful psychological effects on its victims (Siegel, 2012). With the advancement of technology, cyber bullying has becoming a prominent issue in society. The term cyber bullying is defined as using technology, like emails, social media and text messaging as a means to inflict psychological distress on another (Barlett, 2013) Since this is a new term derived from the old one; bullying, it is defined as either inflicting physical pain or social exclusion as a means of harming (Chibbaro, 2010). This new advancement known as the Internet has lead to the misuse of technology, which is seen in younger individuals who are unaware of the psychological distress they cause to one another (Barlett, 2013). This issue discussed by Siegel (2012) reports the excessive use as â€Å"the Internet is in the air they breathe, how they function in the world†(Siegel, 2012)†. These individuals turn to the Internet as aShow MoreRelatedBullying Effects900 Words  | 4 Pagesand Effects of Bullying Every year, approximately 7 percent of students report to being bullied (â€Å"Physical†). Most people know bullying is wrong, but it continues to play a dominating role in the lives of adolescents. Whether the bullying was done by spreading rumors, calling someone names or through the Internet, there are many different causes of bullying, why it occurs, and how it effects the victim. The causes of bullying can influence how the bully decides to target a victim. Victims ofRead MoreCyberbullying Essay615 Words  | 3 Pagesinforming you about cyber bullying Central Idea- I will be informing you about what cyber bullying actually is, the causes of cyber bullying, and the effects its has on people. Introduction I- â€Å"Around 1 in5 kids have been cyber bullied. That 1 in 5 may be your friends, your siblings, or even you.†(Cyber bullying Stats 1). II. As the majority of my audience â€Å"think†they know what cyber bullying is, I am here to inform you all exactly what its and the causes and effects it has on people Read MoreCriminalization of Cyberbullying1026 Words  | 5 Pages As the effects of cyber bullying are becoming a growing problem, the criminalization of cyber bullying is needed to prevent its harmful repercussions to the United States and serve as a deterrent. Cyber bullying has become the 21st century version of bullying; it has extended beyond the classroom and onto a virtual world that seems to have no real-life effects. The world is now able to bully someone in the comfort of his or her own home, at any given point, with the use of technology.Read MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Teenagers Essay1259 Words  | 6 PagesAlexsandra Rodriguez Professor Alexandra Dragin Rhetoric 102 November 15, 2016 Prompt #1 The Negative Effects Social Media has on Teenagers Social media is defined as â€Å"forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content.†(Merriam-Webster, 2004). Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have the attention of millions ofRead MoreCyber Bullying Is An Action Of Harassing Or Harming People Using Technology945 Words  | 4 PagesCyber bullying is an action of harassing or harming people using technology. It is increasing with the increasing technology. People of all ages are victims for this where majority of them are teenagers. It includes posting rumors or gossip about a person and insulting them or sometimes it may include morphing of their photos and posting them in social media networks to embarrass them. A victim can t cyber predict the cyber bully and is difficult to know that person. A cyber bully can be any unknownRead MoreCyb er Bullying : A Deep Seated Psychological Problem1359 Words  | 6 Pages Cyber Bullying Introduction Cyber bullying among teen occur when the teenagers harms or harass their peers over the information technology network. Cyber refers to any form of information technology and is not limited to social networks such as Facebook, blogs, twitter, SMS. It is important to note that an action can only be considered as bullying if it is repeated and conducted deliberately to harm or harass the victim. ThisRead MoreEssay about Cyber Bullying1223 Words  | 5 Pagesphysically, but to those who have been or are currently victims of cyber bullying words can be the difference between life and death. â€Å"Words hurt, and they hurt much more when repeated in the echo chamber of the Internet.†(Rep. Linda Sanchez via There are at least 4 examples in the United States where cyber-bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager [1]. What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber bullying is defined as â€Å"bullying through information and communication technologiesRead MoreResearch Paper-Bullying1614 Words  | 7 PagesBullying â€Å"Words will never hurt me†used to be just an expression, but now bullying has gotten so bad that words really do hurt, this is known as â€Å"bullicide†. Many children, teens, and even some adults are victims of physical, verbal, or cyber bullying. Bullying affects victims negatively and can sometimes lead to suicide. Children, parents, and teachers need to work to prevent and end bullying. Bullying is a serious issue that has numerous causes and effects that can sometimes be life changingRead MoreCyber Bullying : The Third Leading Cause Death For American Youths901 Words  | 4 Pagesthat bullying is an environmental stress that increases the risk of adolescent suicide substantially. Approximately 20-35% of adolescents report being involved in bullying as a bully, victim or both (Litwiller Brausch, 2013). Traditional forms of bullying include; physical bullying which involves the infliction of physical harm, emotional bullying which includes verbal harassme nt or teasing and social bullying when someone is purposefully excluded (Novick, 2013). One definition for cyber bullyingRead MoreCyber Bullying Must Be Improved And Consistent1267 Words  | 6 Pages Amanda Bridges Ms. Shultz / Mrs. Seymore English 5th Period 28 January 2015 Cyber Bullying Have you ever been cyber bullied? The effects of cyberbullying are greater than many people have come to realize. Cyber bullies have been around for a long time, but technology now gives them a whole new way to get to their victims easier and faster. Cyberbullying is the use of information technology to repeatedly harm or harass other people in a deliberate manner (abouthealth). Cyberbullying happens
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